Adolescent Health Interview and caring for teens
Checklist: Are You Prepared to Address Adolescent Sexual Health?
Adolescent Health Working Group: Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Adolescent Providers
PowerPoint from Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Education Project (ARSHEP): Adolescent Friendly Health Services
(access all ASHREP materials here)Â
Relationship Spectrum from
Trends in Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Fact Sheet: Teen Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Best resource on STIs: CDC's STI Treatment Guidelines
Colorado-specific website for young people on STI/HIV/PrEP:
Guttmacher Policy Report: STIs in Teens
Handout from CDC: Just Diagnosed
Handout about PrEP
American Cancer Society: Cervical Cancer Screening
sexual health information, education and resources
The evidence behind national sex education standards
AAP article on the need/evidence for sex education (in clinic, school, and home)
Website: Working to institutionalize sex education - Wise Toolkit
Website: Free, downloadable k-12 sex education curriculum based on respect for young people - Advocates for Youth
Male Condom Handout - English
Male Condom Handout - Spanish
AAP Policy Statement on Condom Use
Website for tweens and parents:
Website for teens, by teens:
Website for older teens: "Sex ed for the real world"
Website for college-aged teens on all health topics:
Love is Respect: Information on health relationships and dating abuse
Sex Positive Families: Education and resources to support parents in raising sexually healthy children; excellent resource list including books, articles and more; searchable by age and topic
person-centered Contraceptive Counseling
Your Birth Control Choices from RHAP (all methods listed alphabetically)
Birth Control: What's Important to You? Flip Chart
JAMA Pediatrics Viewpoint: The Need for Reproductive Justice in Pediatrics
ACOG Statement on Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling
UCSF Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling Measure
BC4U: Excellent website for teens about birth control options
Bedsider: Excellent website for teens and young adults about birth control options
PATH Card for Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling
Learn more about Reproductive Justice: and
Valeria Alexander's Ted Talk: "How to Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias"
Trabian Shorters' Asset Framing in 60 Seconds
Article: Physicians and Implicit Bias: How Doctors May Unwittingly Perpetuate Health Care Disparities
Article: Under (Implicit) Pressure: Black and Latina Women's Perceptions of Contraceptive Care
Article: Limitations of Person-Centered Care and LARC Removal
Long-acting Reversible Contraception
Powerful Contraception Article
ACOG Committee Opinion: LARC for Teens
RHAP Handout: IUDs
RHAP Handout: Implant
CU PAG Handout: Implant
CU PAG Handout: Bleeding on the Implant Options
Virtual LARC Training Opportunities
CDC algorithm for managing bleeding on hormonal contraception
Other Hormonal/Contraceptive Methods (including OCPs)
U.S. Medical Eligibility for Contraceptive Use website (if page not found use MMWR USMEC document)
MMWR U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria For Contraceptive Use
MMWR Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use
Combined Hormonal Contraception Quick Guide
RHAP Handout:
Emergency Contraception Options - English
Emergency Contraception Options - Spanish
CU PAG Handout: Pill
CU PAG Handout: Extended Pill
CU PAG Handout: Patch
CU PAG Handout: Ring
CU PAG Handout: Depo-Provera
RHAP Handout: Pill
Resources for Addressing Common Concerns in Adolescent Gynecology
Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign
CU PAG Handout: Options to Help with Periods
ACOG Review: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
ACOG Review: Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis in AdolescentsÂ
ACOG Review: Menstrual Suppression
Provider Ed Video: AUB in Teens
Provider Ed Video: Menstrual Suppression for Teens with Special Medical Needs
PAG Medical Education Videos from Children's Hospital Colorado
CU PAG Patient Handout: Norethindrone Acetate (NETA)
PCOS in teens
PCOS: Overview of diagnosis, cause and treatment
Options for managing periods with PCOS
Provider Ed Video: PCOS in Teens
CU PAG Handout: Metformin
CU PAG Handout: Spironolactone
Full PCOS Guideline 2023 Go to page 232 for algorithm 1