Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Best resource on STIs: CDC's STI Treatment Guidelines

MMWR STI Treatment Guidelines

Colorado-specific website for young people on STI/HIV/PrEP:

Guttmacher Policy Report: STIs in Teens

Handout from CDC: Just Diagnosed

Handout about PrEP

American Cancer Society: Cervical Cancer Screening

sexual health information, education and resources

The evidence behind national sex education standards

AAP article on the need/evidence for sex education (in clinic, school, and home)

Website: Working to institutionalize sex education - Wise Toolkit

Website: Free, downloadable k-12 sex education curriculum based on respect for young people - Advocates for Youth

Male Condom Handout - English

Male Condom Handout - Spanish

AAP Policy Statement on Condom Use

Website for tweens and parents:

Website for teens, by teens:

Website for older teens: "Sex ed for the real world"

Website for college-aged teens on all health topics:

Love is Respect: Information on health relationships and dating abuse

Sex Positive Families: Education and resources to support parents in raising sexually healthy children; excellent resource list including books, articles and more; searchable by age and topic

Resources for Addressing Common Concerns in Adolescent Gynecology